Crisp Linen

Monday, January 4, 2010

We are revealing our newest creation... one week you will see the very first ever newest addition in apparel for pets. We can't wait. I promise that it's the first and it will be a huge hit in apparel. Everyone will want one for their pet. If you have a Pet Boutique you'll want to be one of the first to get them in.
We will list them on our blog January the 15th. We will have plenty in stock for the day we announce them.

We can always use models. We have two beautiful Schnauzers but they are not model material. When they see me coming with even a shirt they take off running.

If you have the perfect dog that will make a great model please let us know. The photos would have to be very professional.

My two sweet little Schnauzers...

Children’s Tutus
Twinkling Tees
Personalized Tees
Dog Slings
Dog Tutus
Dog Greeting Cards
Children’s Tutus
Dog Lover Pendants
Dog Car Seats
Dog Carriers
Dog Accessories
Dog Bike Carriers
Dog Life Jackets
Personalized Dog Bowls
Dog Gifts
Breed Specific Gifts
Dog Beds
Swarovski Crystal Dog Collars

About Me

My photo
United States
Pet and Gift Boutique Gifts for pets and pet lovers.